Saturday, September 10, 2011

Paintings and Such

Hello world! Sorry it's been so long since I updated. Saying I had computer troubles over the summer would be a complete understatement..but I'm back with a new hard drive and ready to get Senior year off to a good start :D

So I figured why not show some paintings/illustrations from previous years

Illustration II assignment in which we had to create 3 illustrations for a movie but make the characters in a different style. Of course I had to go with Finding Nemo!

 Self portrait from Painting I. Oh my gosh, skin tones are HARD to mix! I had some difficulties with the right side of the face, but overall I'm proud of what I achieved.

I appoligize for the weird lighting on these 2 images, this painting was really cumbersome to carry into my house and the basement was the only spot it could fit. It was my final project for Painting I where we took a previous painting and made it our own (a road map as my professor called it) This painting is about 46x50, I hammered the frame and stretched and prepped the canvas all before even doing the actual painting. I've never done anything this big before in my life so it felt REALLY good to accomplish this :)

A few detail images of the painting

The Boer War by John Byam Shaw was my "road map" painting for this assignment. I used a reference photo I took of my beautiful roommate, Julianne wearing one of my dresses.

And last but not least this was one of two paintings I did for my Illustration III final. There is an Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park and we had to illustrate a scenario of the characters interacting with our world..what they did once they came to life was up to us. So my interpretation was Alice as a bartender working in a small pub when The Mad Hatter and The Rabbit come in to a booth (you can almost make them out in the reflection of the mirror) This is illustrated more in my other piece, but basically Mad Hatter had one too many to drink, and Alice and the Rabbit are looking at him like he's insane (which he probably is).

That's all I have for now folks! I'll be updating through the year with progress on how my senior project is going! I also plan on giving this page an actual theme (sketchbook pro is opened on my desktop as we speak)-I haven't had a lot of time to test it out!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I'm Back!

Sorry for that long put it lightly, the end of the semester was challenging..darn you Maya! x.x

But speaking of Maya, I had to make a 20 second animation for my 3D animation final. After hours upon hours of work, I finally managed to hand in a copy. Basically every problem that could have happened with Maya skin weights didn't save, the NURBS circles didn't parent to joints correctly, and the program crashed whenever I switched the perspective to camera mode...but it's DONE! And with that I give you this to enjoy! It was the best I could do under the given circumstances, but for what it is I like it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's up!!

Hello World! This blog is a long time coming, but alas it is finally here! :)

I'll be using this blog to post my artwork and the process of developing the final piece. I think this is a great way to show you the inner workings of my brain and how I develop my ideas. I'll also post other people's art I like, inspirations (although I recommend you use that word sparingly), and any other random thoughts about art/art history I may have.

But first off, let me tell you a little about myself:
  • I'm a Junior at Montclair State University majoring in Animation and Illustration (yes, that's one major)
  • Minoring in Dance-happens to be my other passion
  • I have a slight obsession with penguins. In fact, I'm currently making a 20-30 second animation featuring a penguin for my beginning 3D animation class
  • Salvador Dali and Vincent Van Gogh are two of my favorite artists.
  •  Favorite medias currently: oils, digital art, prismacolor markers/colored pencils
That about does it for this post, I'll try to start posting as soon as possible. You can also look at my DeviantArt Account for more stuff (although I should probably update that too)