Monday, October 1, 2012


If there's one thing college taught me, it's that storyboards are REALLY important!!! They help you tell your story shot by shot, as well as establish the camera angles. They do these for live action movies and music videos too, not just animations. Pixar takes it a step even further and makes 'color boards' (painted storyboards that show what color everything will be in each scene)

This is a color script from Toy Story 3, which by the way this scene in the day care is one of my absolute favorites from a visual standpoint. It's so unbelievably rich in color and the attention to details are incredible.

 I said I would post my storyboard for my senior project so here it is! Ignore the high quality web cam and random hands..I was having some computer issues.

Also I should probably note the reason why there's a picture of her in what appears to be an alley is because I wanted to have a scene at the end where she's in a different place outside the studio, outside her alternate reality, without the bag.  I wanted to show the dance goes on even though the music has ended, the curtain has fallen.